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Midwifing wholeness through soul, story, and song.
Dr. Sheri D. Kling is a writer, teacher, and constructive theologian offering courses, keynote concerts, retreats, and one-on-one soul work for wholeness, purpose, passion, and joy. Deepen your life for greater joy, truer fulfillment, and closer relationships.

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Wholeness & Transformation
Soul Deepening | Story-Driven Speaking | Inspiring Music

Midwifing Wholeness through Soul, Story, and Song.


  • Are you hungry for meaning, wholeness, and a faith that feeds your soul?
  • Do you yearn to align with the power of life? To access a deeper source of wisdom for guidance and creative possibilities?
  • Are you committed to growing into your truest vision?


  • Need a dynamic speaker to touch your audience at the “soulular” level?
  • Are you ready to engage big ideas for positive change?


  • Looking to inspire and engage your community through music-based programming?
  • Are you hungry for a soundtrack to support your spiritual growth?

Then these resources are for you.

Sheri D. Kling, Ph.D. has spent a lifetime focusing on transformation, psycho-spiritual wholeness, and human flourishing. Her specialty is harnessing proven wisdom and life-giving practices to heal our suffering and separation.

Weaving together inspiring themes and big ideas with her own dynamic music and creative writing, Dr. Sheri translates that wisdom into soulful experiences to help people know their own sacredness, belonging, and potential for positive change.

As an accomplished keynoter, faculty member of the Haden Institute, and director of Process & Faith for the Center for Process Studies and Claremont School of Theology, Dr. Sheri has led retreats and spoken to groups large and small on some of the biggest questions facing us. Her careers in business, the arts, and higher education have honed deep expertise that she now puts to work for the common good.

No matter how painful your past or how joyless your present…you matter, you belong, and you can experience positive change.

Engage Dr. Sheri for Wholeness & Transformation

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Women’s Greatness

Through her personal growth courses with group coaching, Dr. Sheri specializes in guiding growth-oriented women who feel stuck, joyless, or invisible through the archetypal transformation patterns of feminine rebirth and inner strengthening so they can create whole lives of purpose, passion, and joy.

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Consulting, Coaching, and Dream Work

Organizational consulting and one-on-one work for visioning, strategy, or focusing on your vocational path and inner transformation.

Speaking and Retreats

Weaving together inspiring themes and big ideas with dynamic original music, Sheri engages audiences at the “soulular” level.

Coaching client Ekow

“Sheri was a pleasure to work with.  She helps you find the authentic you and helped me realize and better appreciate how to articulate all the many skills I had developed throughout the years.”

Ekow, vocational coaching client
Image of Mike

“Sheri has a rich backstory as a communications professional. As her client you’ll get every single bit of that no matter what you hire her to do for you. I use Sheri to help with clarity (editing, proofing, copy origination) and to offer up different points of view on consulting deliverables. Her high-empathy way of understanding the world makes her a natural at this. Every time, she makes what she gets from us better, stronger, tighter, and more specific. As someone who appreciates written communications, I appreciate every opportunity I get to work with Sheri!”

Mike Wittenstein, StoryMiners
Image of Coaching Client Dagmar

“You are truly a magician—you know just how to get to the marrow in writing!”

Dagmar Cofer, Diabetes Stress Coach
Image of Dave

“In her role as executive director of the Beecken Center, Sheri exhibited a deep capacity for both strategic vision and execution. She’s a gifted creative thinker, and I trust and appreciate her for her integrity, her wisdom, and her finely honed ability to understand both the bigger picture and the complex moving parts of an organization and its people.”

Dave Beecken, BPOC and the Beecken Center

What if our reality – at both the level of the cosmos and of the psyche – is one in which we matter, we belong, and we can experience positive change?

What if good leaders lead like God? And what if God’s leading is open and relational?

Finding Home Cover

Musings on life and spirituality from the mountains of north Georgia.

Dr. Sheri in Conversation with Matt Baker and Jacob Given “War Machine”

Dr. Sheri in Conversation with Josh Patterson “(Re)Thinking Faith”

Dr. Sheri Interviewed by the Cobb Institute

Dr. Sheri in Conversation with Jonathan Foster

Midwifing Wholeness through Soul, Story, and Song.

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